Fiber Stats:
2010: AFD 14.2 SD 4.1 CV 29.2% CF 99.2% Curv 52.5
2011: AFD 17.5 SD 4.5 CV 25.5% CF 98.3% Curv 49.5
2012: AFD 19.5 SD 4.6 CV 23.7% CF 96.9% Curv 47.3
2013: AFD 21 SD 5.0 CV 23.8 %>30 5.1 CF 94.9 SF 20.9 Curv 43.7 Wow! incredible crimp shows up on Curv. numbers greater than 40.
Follicle Density Report: Taken at 3 years of age and submitted to Norman Evans, DVM
65.75 Follicles/SQmm S/P=13.5:1 4 out of 4 for Gland Presence with large uniform clusters regular in size and shape. These statistical findings match the outward expressions of what I see when Judging alpacas. Very fine, well organized fleece types like these are breath taking.
Alpaca Details
DAM GG (MB, LondonDairy's private reserve female)
SIRE Accoyo America Talisman (WH) a HemiAccoyo
DOB (BORN) 6/24/09 ARI# 31788366
COLOR Medium Fawn