Location / Directions
LondonDairy Alpacas is in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. We are approximately 8 miles East of I-43 just North of Manitowoc, Wisconsin on HWY 147. If you look at a map of Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan coast line you will notice a jut about two thirds the way up. This is where Two Rivers is located. The city got it’s name from two rivers that connect in this area. We are 30 miles south of Green Bay or 100 miles (1 hr. 25 min.) north of Milwaukee.
Exit 154 off 1-43. Turn right to go east towards the the town of Two Rivers on Hwy 10/310. Continue through three circle intersections and follow Cty B left going North. The intersection has a Mobil gas station at it. Follow it to the next stop sign in the town of Shoto. Turn left continuing to follow B. 500 yards ahead turn Right onto cty V V. Follow V V two miles to the next stop sign. This is Hwy 147/Mishicot Rd, turn Left and the Ranch is on the Right side of the Road 1/2 mile up. You will easily see the alpaca fields from this direction.
Take Exit 164 off I-43 (Hwy 147 Two Rivers) Turn left going East, follow 12.9 miles on Hwy 147 until you see the ranch. Look for the white vinyl fence and marble stone alpaca statue next to the road.